
  • Customer

    Global Insurance Company

  • Project Objective
    Project Objective

    The client required an environment that can meet the global security and auditing requirements, which would support highly scalable workloads, and can be tailored to support continuously evolving business needs. The need was for an environment/landing zone that lays out the account structure, security rules, default network settings, and other foundational services.

  • Business solution
    Business solution

    Separate VPCs are created based on the segregation of routing, scaling, and security Traffic to private Prod Applications is routed once it is authenticated by the IAP/ VPN in the Management VPC Separate subnets are created in Delhi Region for DR and Multi-Regional data retention and are private by default The cloud operation suite and other shared services are deployed in the management VPC

  • Benefit / value delivered to customer
    Benefit / value delivered to customer

    Deployed workloads to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) – known for security and storage. Set up a secure landing zone design on GCP which helped customer with an environment with a standardized set of secure cloud infrastructure best practices, guidelines, policies, and centrally managed services.

Global Insurance Company

Case study

Client required environment that can meet the global security and auditing